
Publication Date: February 24, 2022


Aydali Campa, Jimmy Cloutier, Sarah Hunt, Mollie Jamison, Isabel Koyama, Laura Kraegel, Maya Leachman, Michael McDaniel, Andrew Onodera, Kenneth Quayle, Nicole Sadek, Isaac Stone Simonelli, Rachel Stapholz, Sarah Suwalsky, Zoha Tunio, Zachary Van Arsdale, Alexis Young


U.S. oil and gas companies have burned off at least 3.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas over much of the last decade, while unknown amounts of the methane-rich gas have flowed directly into the atmosphere. Regulators are largely in the dark about these volumes, even as they try to slow the pace of global warming. But advances in satellite data reveal the true extent of these greenhouse gases. In addition to a documentary, podcast, and four narratives, the Gaslit project explores data in 13 U.S. states through an interactive map. Nearly 200 professional news outlets nationwide carried the Gaslit findings.


3rd Place
Projects Reporting
Best of the West

1st Place
Outstanding Student Reporting
Society of Environmental Journalists Awards

1st Place
Best Collegiate Investigation
EPPY Awards

1st Place
Best Video on a College Website
EPPY Awards

Best Feature Story
EPPY Awards

1st Place
Projects and Collaborations

3rd Place
Interactive and Multimedia Technologies, Graduate Students
BEA Media Arts Festival, for the project’s interactive map

1st Place
Data Visualization
Society of Professional Journalists

Best Use of Multimedia
Society of Professional Journalists

Student Large category

Student Team Journalism Award
Online Journalism Awards

3M Truth in Science Award
Online Journalism Awards

Selected Publication Partners